We have the Internet Co-Op program for the website listing. The idea of the program is to provide reciprocal links to each of our websites. Potential customers can search our participating integrator database by application, industry or zip code at www.fanucamerica.com. I’ve included the list of rules associated with this program below.
- Integrator must provide a reciprocal link to FANUC America’s website https://www.fanucamerica.com/, preferably an application page relevant to the integrator’s specialties https://www.fanucamerica.com/solutions/applications
- Integrator must display the Authorized System Integrator Logo on their website.
- Integrator must subscribe to FANUC America’s social channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Integrator must highlight robotic automation capabilities.
- FANUC reserves the right to remove integrators in violation of the above rules from the website.
- FANUC will audit site and will notify integrators of any violations.
- Integrator must meet the requirements of this program before they will be added to our Robot System Integrator page.
The application and industry selections on a robotic integrator’s profile is based on their level in our ASI program. These selections should be those that the ASI is most familiar with and that are actively being pursued by their company. Level 1 integrators can select up to 2 application areas and 2 industries, Level 2 can select up to 3 application areas and 3 industries, Level 3 can select up to 4 application areas and 4 industries, and Level 4 can select 4 or more application and 4 or more industries. The display order will be by exclusivity and volume, then alphabetical within each category.